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Band History

Musical Diectors

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Thank you for taking the time to visit us at the St. Helens Youth Band site. We have three Bands, a teaching programme, a Friends Association, recordings, and much more for you to discover.

Over 100 young musicians meet on Saturday mornings at Cowley High School (St.Helens, England), to experience everything that is great about the brass band movement. I cannot praise them highly enough for their dedication and enthusiasm, and hope that you will catch, at least a sense of, the atmosphere we have on a weekly basis.

The site will be updated periodically, with details of forthcoming events and information about the Bands and personnel, so be sure to visit us again!

Lynda Nicholson (Musical Director)


Hello and Welcome to the NEW website, I hope that it will allow you to find out more about the band(s) and give you an oppertunity to contact us if you are intrested in coming to one of our concerts, or purchasing some of our merchandise.

Some of the main features of this site will be the detailed and intresting history of the band(s) and some details of events that you may want to put in your diary.  Also there will be facilities for you to download some of our newsletters.  I hope that you will enjoy looking at our website, and will visit again.

For band members I hope this will be a reliable and "up-todate" source of important band information, with a link to our new "virtual notice board".

Coming Soon : A photo page, on which some new and some lod photographs will be displayed.  Plus there will soon be a "Caption COntest" every month.  We post a picture and you all e-mail  a caption to match it... start thinking becasue it will be here soon! 

In this column will be a list of recent updates, and any other important pieces of information; regarding the website.

Thank you for visiting

The Webmaster & web-team



As champions we went to Fleetwood, and as champions we returned.  For a second consecutive year St.Helens Youth Training Brass Band achieved first place at the North West Counties Brass Band competition, in the Youth Section. 

The day was a great success and all the band members and supporters thouroughly enjoyed the event (never mind how bad the weather was.) 

CONGRATULATIONS to all the players and a great big thank you to all the staff, supporters and finally the musical director, Lynda Nicholson, whom encouraged all the players to work to their best and whom put in such a great effort for us all.






St.Helens Youth Training - NWCBB Champions!!!




Got a question?  Well ask it and we will try our best to answer it promptly!  Just click on the link.

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